Tuesday, November 2, 2010

the happiest person in the world

I gained access to my blog once again... Wow, after 4 long years... it's the sweetest moment ever. Some how, i can walk down nostalgia lane... capture those moments again and be mesmerized at how far I have come...

Eefa... you're the HAPPIEST person on this planet.


herman said...


I wish you unhappy times as well as we can not really experience happiness if we do not know what unhappiness is.

You cannot know real joy if you have not experienced real sadness.

There can be no ups without downs. There can be no light without darkness.

Now go study :-)

Eefa said...

hahaha... telling me to go study after all that food for thought

Naeem Aziz said...

Welcome Back, Eefa. we missed you a lot.

The Blogger Team!
